All posts filed under “residency

Food Tables

Who’s in our food? Craft story telling commission for the the Brigstow Institute  at Bristol University.

We’ve been working on a piece to open up  how we talk about the sustainability of our food. Who is involved and what is influencing our choices?

Collecting peoples stories from across the UK fishing industry, we created story telling furniture and crockery to offer a place at their table.

A collaboration with Anagram



Continuing the explorations into grief with a residency in Liverpool. Using music, dance and movement practice, drawing and film to explore the subject.

Arts Council supported 2021

Wildwood Residency at Alde Valley Festival

Heading back to Suffolk for a harvest residency at White House Farm. The residency will be focusing on preparing and sewing deer hides for leather and buckskin in the woodland. It will be great to be back there and continue preparations for the Common Land Project.  Lots of events going on, you can join us for an Autumn Supper on the 6th October to hear more.

The! Cornucopia ! 2016 ! exhibition will be open daily 10am-6pm from 17th Sept ~ 2nd Oct and at weekends in October.
